Monday, May 9, 2011

Support with your Adoption Journey...

What do all these women have in common?

Answer:  Support of each other...

This is the Adoptive Mom/Hoping to Adopt Support Group that I have referenced to in the past, as well as some of the women who have done guest posts recently.  You may be wondering how we came to this group and that is a GREAT question....Well Brielle was a big ring leader here...she knew most of us separately with exception of Elise I think? But she also invited others to our group the first time we met up that she had reached out through LDS family Services and these are the girls that stuck.  Our meet up was nothing crazy exceptional just a get together at Cheesecake Factory.  At first, I have to admit I felt weird about going since my husband and I had just gotten certified, but I knew Brielle so I went anyway.  I am so glad that I did because all of these women are amazing!

We all have so much to bring to the table for each other.  We all have been through difficult stuff in our lives...We all have struggled with infertility and in different ways...We all want to have Eternal Families...We all prefer to be in control...We are willing to go through the unknown and give up control to have that family...

In our short period of knowing each other we have gone through happy times, sad times, nervous times,  failed placements, and  successful placements together.  It is so much better to be together in this journey than alone!  It is such a relief to know other women who feel like you do, who have been where you have been or have gone through what you are going through...

If you are out there and feel aren't.  There are so many of us our here that feel or felt what you feel.  If you have a group that you know of that is like ours see if you can meet up with them...FSA (Families Supporting Adoption) is there for you...If you are like I was and are  thinking what do I have to offer? then you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find.

We need you...FSA needs you...If you want to know more about what FSA exactly is or does click here or you can take a peak at the national FSA Blog here .  On that site it shows all of the local blogs with exception to Phoenix (this one is about to re-launch its blog). 

I feel really special to know these ladies and am so thankful that I have them!  Thanks Girls for beings so Amazing!

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