Adoption Clips from Birthmother's

Tamra's story of why and how adoption?

An Amazing Birthmother's placement story

MY BABY, Not my Child ( 3 videos)
-Callie Mitchell's story

Such a Strong Birthmother!

She Loved her so she placed her...

An Adoption Story...Lucas

Amazing Open Adoption...

A Bithmother's story

A Birthmom shares her story

A Birthmother recounts why Adoption

1 comment:

Katelyn Krum Shaw said...

I came across your blog and thought I would share the video that I made about my adoption placement. It's actually shared through LDSFS as well.... I'm also wondering if you're looking for guest bloggers. I blog about how adoption has touched my life and thought I'd share with more.
here is my video link on

An Open Adoption Documentary

Adoption Isn't Selfish

Straight from a Birthmom...

The Open Adoption Project via The R House