Monday, April 23, 2012


Get Involved with National Infertility Awareness Week

It's National Infertility Awareness Week. So if you are personally affected by infertility, learn more and share the info with those around you. Also, if you know someone struggling with infertility, lend a listening ear, show your support. Infertility shouldn't be taboo, after all it affects nearly 10% of the population. I know I felt alot better once I spoke out, there are more people out there dealing with it than you know! -Elise

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Strength & Hope

"Wherefore ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."  2 Nephi 31:20

Since October of 2010, I have been meeting up with a group of first time adoptive moms, women hoping to become adoptive moms and women who are now adoptive moms to their second baby. It has been the best thing ever for me, given me an outlet, a place to discuss fears, worries, joys and hope. HOPE. Hope for those who are still waiting to find their baby. Hope for those who have had a child placed in their home and want to add to their family again in the future. Hope that somehow the pain and sadness we have felt in the past because of infertility will be lessened as time goes on.

Hope is important, because it gives us purpose. I have learned so much about hope and why it is never naive to have hope for something greater than yourself. Adoption is a miracle. Literally, you will see miracles, things that just wouldn't make any sense without there being divine direction.
The point of this is to tell you I know that there is a purpose to everything we experience and that when we have hope for our future, we can have peace during the journey.

I am so grateful for the women that I meet with and the hope that they encourage in my heart. I hope that each of you have a network of people in your life that encourage and uplift you during the tumultuous journey that is adoption. But if you don't have someone, know that I am here, no matter where you are. Feel free to email me at joshandelise at hotmail dot com.

And I'm moving to Tucson this summer, which is scary to me, to be farther away from my group but exciting for our family, since my husband will be starting his medical school rotations. So if you live in or near Tucson and would like to meet up with me, let me know! -Elise

An Open Adoption Documentary

Adoption Isn't Selfish

Straight from a Birthmom...

The Open Adoption Project via The R House